Wednesday, January 12, 2011

“Every man dies - Not every man really lives.” - William Ross Wallace

...When I die...

Wow, I don't particularly care what I'd be buried with. Naked? That would be shocking for casket viewing... I don't believe we 'carry' anything to the afterlife with us, and I live a fairly low-impact life as it is, so in death I might like to be buried near my family if it's at all possible.

Where I'm buried or if I'd like to be cremated is more important to me than what I'm buried with. If I have any valuable possessions when I die they're most likely more instrumental and meaningful to those I leave behind than my dead self. If I'm cremated, I'd like my family to scatter my ashes in places that were meaningful to me while I was alive. One of those places would be Varanasi, since it's such a spiritual, colourful and personally special place to me. Also, that way, I might actually be liberated from the cycles of death and rebirth and not return to earth as a dungbeetle.

Upon further contemplation.. I would really like to be buried with a cell phone. Just in case. And if I have to wait for the resurrection day, maybe a comfy casket with lots of pillows and a down duvet would be nice too. I'm trying to cover all my bases here people.


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